Saturday, April 10, 2010


Brittany and I picked up Leo around 10 a.m. and he was excited to see us. He was wearing his Elizabethan collar and had the hair around his right eye shaved down. It was swollen and mostly shut but when he opened it I could see white where they patched it. The veterinarians had to use the white of his eye that contains blood vessels for healing to repair the cornea. It will grow over and be a permanent scar - and he will be able to see out around it - but through that patch he will not be able to see.

It is a little bizarre but amazing at the same time. It is healing on its own now and we're to have Leo wear the 'cone' as much as possible. He doesn't seem to mind it for the most part but is still getting used to it. He is less active than normal but his usual energy and joie de vivre is resuming.

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